Sunday, September 18, 2011

::NYFW Spring 2012::

Sadly, I couldn't make it to NYFW.. however thanks God for the Internet, and the 3 million fashion blogs out there ... in this case, special thanks to Fashion Gone Rogue for keeping me updated. 
I know that right now we are using our finals items from the summer, ALSO we should be starting to clean up our closets and updating ourselves with the next fall season's trends; AND in addition to that, we are watching a sneak peek of what it's going to happen next year ... ufff... too much to handle? 
well, dear... that is the fashion world, there is not time to waste!
So allow me to present you a little research about  the shows that were presented at the Big Apple. 
These were my favorites looks...  what about you, which outfits or show did you like the most!?

Tristemente, no puede asistir al NYFW.. sin embargo, demoles gracias a Dios por el Internet y los 3 millones de fashion blogs que existen... 
en este caso, un agradecimiento especial a Fashion Gone Rogue por mantenerme informada.  
Yo se que ahora mismo estamos dandole uso a nuestras ultimas piezas del verano, ADEMAS debemos comenzar a limpiar nuestros armarios y actualizarlos con las próximas tendencias del otoño; Y ASIMISMO estamos observando un adelanto de lo que sucederá el proximo año... uff , demasiado para soportar? Bueno, queridos .. Así es el mundo de la moda, no hay tiempo que perder!

Así que permitanme presentarles una pequeña investigación sobre los shows presentados en la Gran Manzana, y estos fueron mis looks favoritos... ustedes que piensan, cuales fueron los atuendos o desfiles que mas le gustaron!?

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I will love to read what you think ... So DON'T be shy!

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