Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Hey guys!
First of all, if you are reading this message thank you so much for stopping by, I really hope you enjoy these journals posts. I don't know if you have noticed that lately I haven't posted anything, the reason is because I'm taking a break.... no, no, I'm not sitting under a palm tree with a piña colada! Instead, I've been working like a maniac between my full time job and personal projects, and it has been difficult to keep everything going on. But, I have new plans and ideas for next year, so don't worried you will see more from me on this page, with some (good) changes! :)

However, if you miss me that much revisit the old posts from the "ARCHIVE" list or  follow me on my fashion accessories blog THE KEY ITEM, I'm still blogging over there ... in the meantime this page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

Until next time!

image via: pinterest

Thursday, November 8, 2012


A modern editorial of the famous tale "Princess and the pea" by Free People.
See more photo here

Happy Thursday! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Doing some research for the birthday brunch menu, I discovered this amazing tumblr called Culinary Porn, every time I scrolled down I found something more delicious, but this image immediately caught my attention. Maybe it was the color palette that kept me intrigue to know what it was, so I started digging and thanks to Google Image I found the original source; it belongs to Pure Vege, a blog dedicated to veggie food. So here it is; a healthy salad as an inspiration for today's style look.

Key words: natural, autumn, easygoing
Color palettedark warm colors, purple, burgundy, brown, military green with a touch of bright yellow

The look: a soft maxi skirt mixed with a tailored blazer, casual but chic perfect for a days of meetings, take out the jacket and you are ready for the happy hour.

For more "Style by Inspiration" looks go HERE

Top cover image: HERE

Outfit image: HERE
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